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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Kalibata: A woman of influence

AGRA’s president Dr. Agnes Kalibata has topped the list of 2016’s African Women of the year in Agriculture, Mining and Architecture.
The recognition, made by the readers of the New African Woman Magazine, is a great validation of Dr. Kalibata’s  efforts towards a food secure Africa. The magazine has described Dr. Kalibata as a “Rwandese Phenomenon” who has revolutionized African Agriculture over the last decade.
Dr. Kalibata leads AGRA’s efforts with the participation of public and private partners towards ensuring a food secure Africa through rapid, sustainable agricultural growth and improved productivity by empowering millions of smallholder farmers.
She is a former Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources in Rwanda and is widely considered to be one of the most successful Agriculture Ministers in sub-Saharan Africa. Dr. Kalibata has held several other leadership positions, including Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture and Deputy Vice Chancellor of University of Rwanda. She has also worked for the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Uganda, and various other agricultural development organizations. She currently sits on various boards including the International Fertilizer Development Corporation (IFDC), the Sustainable Trade Initiative, the Africa Risk Capacity, and the Global Agenda Council of the WEF.
In 2012 Dr. Kalibata  received the Yara Prize, now the Africa Food Prize for transforming Rwanda’s Agriculture in a relatively short period of time. She is a distinguished agricultural scientist, policy maker and thought leader and holds a PhD in Entomology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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